Thursday, August 12, 2010

QUICKLY- ARE YOU ON FB? IF SO, VOTE!!/photo.php?pid=111850&id=100001283310842&ref=fbx_album&fbid=117492954970148

copy and paste that, you should see a barn/chicky card that reads 'hey chicky!' and has my watermark on the lower righthand corner.

I need YOU to 'like' it.

This is how Sarah (aka Pink Cricut) is choosing her design team.

For this, I will do a blog candy, it will be a surprise... but if you head over and 'like' it, add a comment here, and I'll get a candy up later today! :-)


Vicki said...

Hope it's not too late. I liked it.

Kristina said...

I "liked" it too! What a cool way to pick a design team.

Jessica said...

I got you, girl! :)